Posted by Benjamin Close on March 12, 2009 under Money |

Hello and welcome to the first article in a continuing series about trying to earn money online. First a little background. My name is Benjamin Close, I have a good day job working as a Research Associate in the Wearable Computer Lab at the University of South Australia and a secondary job working as an [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on March 6, 2009 under Projects, UniSA |

One project I’ve been working on with fellow members of the Wearable Computer Lab (WCL) has been a project we’ve called ‘Snappy’. Snappy is simply an old Canon IXUS camera that is connected to an old Dell Laptop. It was setup to monitor the construction of a new building here at the University of South [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on March 4, 2009 under FreeDesktop |

Hi Folks, a few changes have now been put in place to try and fix a few issues that people have been experiencing with the caching used by cgit on the repos. First off a little background. Git web was replaced by cgit as cgit is both faster and the caching allowed annarchy to [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on under FreeBSD |

Recently I’ve been trying to instal Trolltech’s Qt 4 toolkit on my FreeBSD 7.0 server. FreeBSD supports qt4 via ports (qt4-gui, qt4-moc, qmake4, etc), hence I’ve been using the ports system to try and install it. However it kept failing with the error: ===> Configuring for qt4-rcc-4.4.3 /bin/cp /data/usr/ports/devel/qt4-rcc/../../devel/qt4/files/configure /data/usr/ports/devel/qt4-rcc/work/qt-x11-opensource-src-4.4.3/src/tools/rcc/../../../ /usr/bin/sed -i.bak -e ‘s|target.path.*|target.path=/usr/local/bin|g’ /data/usr/ports/devel/qt4-rcc/work/qt-x11-opensource-src-4.4.3/src/tools/rcc/ [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on March 3, 2009 under Country Living |

Today we received council approval to put in a septic tank… we think. You see we lodged plans for a sepage based septic tank with Tea Tree Gully Council, however our approval letter indicates an Aerobic septic tank. We’re currently working out what approval we have via way of contacting council.