jhbuild using a git branch
Recently I’ve been playing around with jhbuild. I wanted to jhbuild to use a custom branch from a git repo I’ve setup. Sadly the documentation on how to do this is a little lacking. Added to the fact that the jhbuild code drops an argument and there’s a lot of fun at work.
The solution, use the revision attribute in your module set file:
<repository type=”git” name=”git.freedesktop.org” href=”git://anongit.freedesktop.org/”/>
<branch repo=”git.freedesktop.org” module=”~benjsc/xorg/proto/compositeproto” checkoutdir=”xorg/proto/compositeproto” revision=”ir” />
This checks out the ir branch of the repo: git://anongit.freedesktop.org/~benjsc/xorg/proto/compositeproto
For those looking at the jhbuild code, you can see the fun with the dropped argument:
class GitRepository
def branch(self, name, module = None, subdir=””, checkoutdir = None,
revision = None, tag = None):
if name in self.config.branches:
module = self.config.branches[name]
if not module:
raise FatalError(_(‘branch for %s has wrong override, check your .jhbuildrc’) % name)
if module is None:
module = name
module = urlparse.urljoin(self.href, module)
return GitBranch(self, module, subdir, checkoutdir, revision, tag)
class GitBranch(Branch):
“””A class representing a GIT branch.”””
def __init__(self, repository, module, subdir, checkoutdir=None, branch=None, tag=None):
Branch.__init__(self, repository, module, checkoutdir)
self.subdir = subdir
self.branch = branch
self.tag = tag
So Where revision go?
Mike said,
Also, where’d repository come from? The call from branch doesn’t include it…
anon said,
n.b., don’t things like this make you wish that python had braces for block delimiters? 😉
Larry Reaves said,
What’s wrong with the branches option in .jhbuildrc?
branches[‘modulename’] = ‘branchname’
Works great here.
Also, revision is named branch in the __init__ prototype…
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