cgit: Bug fixes & Tag/Branch support in logs

CGit is now the latest stable (0.8.2) which brings in a number of bug fixes, including some caching fixes and also adds tags and branches to log view as shown below:
CGit is now the latest stable (0.8.2) which brings in a number of bug fixes, including some caching fixes and also adds tags and branches to log view as shown below:
After a few weeks of the cgit change overĀ happening, I’ve been working with Lars Hjemli (cgit creator) to try and add the remaining functionality that gitweb had, but cgit was missing. Very quickly I added sort by age functionality which left only full log support. Well Lars has done a great job responding to requests [..more..]
With CGit v0.8 supporting, atom feeds, patch targets and also the clone-url option, it’s time to finally rid ourselves of the memory hungry gitweb. Hence cgit.fd.o has been upgraded and gitweb been pointed to cgit.fd.o. There’s also a bucket load of redirects in place to support this. Hence all the old gitweb url’s should correctly [..more..]