Posted by Benjamin Close on April 27, 2009 under Country Living |

Well after a few hickups things are all on track. Since the last update Carly and I have officially sold our house, gone through settlement and are Living with Carly’s Parent’s John and Denise. At the same time we have got Development Approval from the Tea Tree Gully Council for our house, the shed and [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on April 13, 2009 under FreeDesktop |

After many requests, bugzilla @ fd.o has been upgraded to 3.0.8 which should fix quite a few bugs that people have been experiencing. I also fixed the main bugzilla page to show the correct front page rather than a zero bug. Short url’s should still work as expected. As per usual, if you notice anything [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on under Life |

On Friday 3rd April 2009, Sam our little black and white cat was hit by a car and died 🙁 Sam was a loving little cat who loved the outdoors. Often found under bushes he had a little gallop in his run and walked bravely like a lion – despite being a scaredy cat. Bought [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on April 1, 2009 under Money |

Following on from my last article about making money online, this one starts to look at ways that exist to make money online. By far, the most visible way to make money online is using advertising. Advertising is literally everywhere. However there seems to be lots of ways to make money online. Below are a [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on under Life |

Well it’s official, Carly and I are having a baby! It’s been a while before we could make this post as we didn’t want people to find out before we let our family know and with ‘Mum Close’ being in Western Australia on holiday, that took a little longer than expected! But finally we can [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on under Mythtv |

This documents my progress settting up mythtv on FreeBSD.