
We’ve Moved In To Our New House!

Wow, has it really been that long already?… It’s now July 24th 2010, and Carly, Mitchell and I took final hand over of our new Format Homes built house way back in February 3rd 2010. We are so happy to be in our new house. It’s amazing when something that you both design, plan, follow through construction and all the dramas, finally comes together.

The building process was relatively painless, there were certainly a few quirks along the way but that was always to be expected where we built – a semi-rural property. The finish of the house is excellent and despite the fact there’s lots of mud around, we’ve now converted our house to a home. Below are some of the shots of the finished house. Having never built a house before this was certainly a learning experience. One that certainly had it’s ups and downs. I’ve got a list of tips for anyone building a house, especially one with Format Homes – though that will be a later article.

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